Ready, Steady, GO: Take better iPhone pictures instantly
Many professional photographers use a remote shutter release to avoid shaking the camera. Every iPhone ships with a remote shutter release, but you might not know it because it's built in to the earbuds that came in the box. Just use the volume + button with the Camera App and snap pictures without having to press the button and possibly shake the camera. This is especially useful if you use the zoom feature on your camera for telephoto shots.
It's great for selfie-sticks, too. I can't believe I just said "selfie stick." Okay. i have one. I admit it. I like it a lot. Coupled with the earbud shutter release it's great for taking pictures out windows, over the heads of people in crowds, inside caves with openings too small to enter, even of yourself swimming underwater if you have the right equipment.
This picture would have been much more dangerous to take without a shutter release and a selfie stick.